Groupe Alvest

EBACE 2022 offers future-forward aviation technologies including everything from high-tech small aircraft through ultra-modern intercontinental jets, advanced air mobility and eVTOL aircraft, state-of-the-art avionics; and manufacturers.
AERO Specialties, an Alvest company, will be in attendance at this important aviation European event to introduce their GSE and services on booth X67 and continues their 2022 exhibition promotion program.
#AEROSpecialties #SmartAviation #AlvestCompany

TLD will be among a number of Alvest entities that will be present at the GSE Expo Europe event when it takes place on the 13th-15th September 2022 at Paris Le Bourget.
Key focuses of the show will be product innovations and technologies that improve safety, autonomous GSE and hybrid/electrical vehicles and battery technology…which are all areas that TLD has been heavily involved with for some years.

Schiphol is going to buy two Smart Airport Systems TaxiBots, special towing vehicles that enable aircraft to taxi sustainably. Schiphol is Europe’s first airport to start using TaxiBots. The investment is part of Schiphol’s plan to speed up the process of making aviation more sustainable and is an addition to the investments the airport previously decided to make.
“2022 is a crucial year for sustainability in the aviation sector. We are accelerating measures to reduce emissions and improve local air quality. That’s important for the climate, our employees and local residents. We’re Europeans first and one of the few airports worldwide working on implementing sustainable taxiing on a large scale. Schiphol is a frontrunner, which makes me proud,” says Dick Benschop, CEO of Royal Schiphol Group.
Sustainable Taxiing
The sustainable taxiing process sees aircraft being taken to and from the runway by a special towing vehicle whereby the aircraft engines stay largely switched off. Schiphol is buying two of these special vehicles from Smart Airport Systems; they will arrive at the airport in mid-2022. There are currently a few TaxiBots in use at two Indian airports around the world.
A previous pilot study at Schiphol showed that sustainable taxiing leads to around fifty percent less fuel consumption during taxiing and therefore lowers CO2, nitrogen and ultrafine particle emissions. Given the distance involved, these fuel savings can reach up to 65% percent when aircraft taxi to the Polderbaan.
Standard Procedure
Schiphol has drawn up a plan together with Air Traffic Control the Netherlands (LVNL), KLM, Transavia, Corendon Dutch Airlines and ground handling companies dnata and KLM Ground Services to ensure that sustainable taxiing will be standard procedure at Schiphol. The first step will be the deployment of these two special aircraft towing vehicles for a follow-up pilot study at Schiphol, in which TUI, Viggo and Swissport will also participate. This pilot will transition to a standard procedure, with certain types of aircraft taxiing sustainably to and from the Polderbaan runway.
Preparations Underway
Modifications to infrastructure are already being made in order to make sustainable taxiing to and from the Polderbaan a structural possibility. These changes will be implemented before the follow-up pilot begins. One example is the markings on the asphalt that ensure aircraft stop in the right place so that they can be disconnected from the towing vehicle. Roads also need to be widened to enable the special vehicles to drive to and from the Polderbaan before and after taxiing has taken place without disrupting other (taxiing) traffic.
Royal Schiphol Group wants to operate the most sustainable airports and aims to have an emission-free ground operation at its Dutch airports by 2030.

Press Release
8th February 2022
The Alvest Group Joins Forces with India’s Millennium Aero Dynamics to Expand GSE Offering in the dynamic Indian subcontinental market
Partnership extends the three-decade long relationship and signifies growing demand within the Indian Market
Alvest Millennium Aviation Leasing IFSC Private Limited (AMAL) is a joint venture incorporated between the Alvest Group, France and Millennium Aero Dynamics, India.
AMAL is incorporated as an IFSCA regulated company at Gujarat International Finance Tec-City SEZ.
The company intends to provide innovative Ground Support Equipment products and services market to meet the operational, environmental and commercial needs of Airline, Ground Handling & Airport Companies in the domestic and international markets.
Antoine Maguin, Group President & CEO, Alvest said ‘We are extremely confident and pleased with the engagement of our long lasting partner Millennium Aero Dynamics in paving the way for success with our joint initiative. AMAL will undoubtedly address the growing needs of the airlines, the ground handlers and the airports to make their operations leaner and greener’’; Milan Zatakia, Chairman and CEO, Millennium Aero Dynamics mentioned “We are proud to be taking forward our association with the Alvest Group to meet the growing demand in our Indian markets, in which we serve and support hundreds of customers”.
AMAL will provide environmentally-friendly aircraft ground support equipment under a fully serviced operational lease. This provides customers with an option for equipment with zero CAPEX and allows them to focus on their operations alone without worrying about downtime.
AMAL’s innovative product offering will boost skilled employment in the aviation sector.
The Alvest Group
France based ALVEST is an international group dedicated to the design, manufacture and distribution of technical products for the aviation industry, which include aviation ground support equipment, services, spares and technical adhesives and markings for the aerospace and industrial markets.
The Alvest Group includes brands like Smart Airport Systems, TLD, Sage Parts and Aero Specialties or Alvest Equipment Services.
Millennium Aero Dynamics Private Limited
Millennium Aero Dynamics Private Limited has been operating as a trustworthy Service Provider to the Indian Aviation, Mining and Marine Industries for over three decades and has successfully transformed itself into a sophisticated end-to-end Solutions Provider. Millennium has a team of more than 900 engineers/ technical staff to support its operations.

Alvest is enjoying a strong presence at the International GSE Expo being held this week in Las Vegas.
5 x GSE entities offering numerous airside solutions to ensure your operation is ramp-ready and optimised for the challenges that lay ahead.
Partnering with an Alvest company means you are accessing a wealth of industry knowledge, unprecedented worldwide support and the very latest tech as we all help make aviation Leaner & Greener.

The TLD TPX-100-E, fully electric towbarless tractor, is handling the Air France new Airbus A220 ! Another step towards GSE sustainability…#leaner and #greener aviation is here today…

The Airbus Summit will go live on Sept. 21-22, bringing together renowned aerospace experts and policymakers to explore the innovations and partnerships set to pave the way to sustainable aerospace.
TLD and Smart Airport Systems will be joining with the #TaxiBot, Helping Aviation become Leaner & Greener #smartgse for #smartaviation

Last year we made the choice to embark, under the Alvest banner, on the United Nation Global Compact Program as a member of their French Chapter.
Following a year of intense work with all teams involved in the group has put us in the position to submit our first “COP” or “Communication on Progress” to the United Nations.
This is an important step for our group as it underlines even more our ALVEST mission to “Help Aviation become Leaner & Greener”, and fits well with our ISO 14001 certification and Solar Impulse Foundation labels. Our industry needs to control and reduce its impact on the environment and to bring a positive human and social contribution to the society and the people.
The achievement of our goal is supported by our long-term vision, our culture and values that are rooted in service, integrity, respect of each other, transparency and accountability vis-à-vis all our stakeholders.
You can now find the Alvest official “Communication on Progress” on the “United Nations” pages:
The solid work of all teams involved, allowed us to qualify for the Advanced Level (Learner ► Active ► Advanced). This is a unique entry in the United Nations books as we are the only GSE manufacturer member to date.
Our actions for the upcoming year will continue and ensure our Group continues to progress towards implementing all relevant best practices of the Global Compact Advanced level, following the Global Compact’s Blueprint for Corporate Sustainability Leadership.
#LeanerAndGreener #UnitingBusiness #Alvest

Forward thinking Changi Airport, Singapore is another airport that has been exploring the way in which technology can be used to streamline daily operations in a safe and environmentally friendly manner.
The airport has recently embarked on proof of technology trial with the Smart Airport Systems (SAS) TractEasy, autonomous baggage tractor, in their Terminal 3 location.
Airside workers engage in numerous tasks as part of airside operations including the transportation of passenger baggage between the aircraft and BHA. Subsequently, baggage tractors constitute the largest fleet of airside vehicles. The automation of these tractors would free up valuable staff to carry out more skilled airport duties requiring human interaction.
Working very closely with the Changi airport, SAS refined the TractEasy solution to meet the specific requirements of the airside operations and to facilitate a smooth integration.
The trial initially commenced in May 2020 with non-airside selected routes, however next month will see TractEasy servicing its first live aircraft as it continues its journey in reducing airside emissions, improving operational efficiencies and most importantly…paving the way for a greener aviation industry.

The electric revolution continues!
Delivery of a 100% electric TITAN-eTR3 refuelling trailer to TITAN AVIATION® Avignon, France.
These refuelling trailers were designed in partnership with TLD who also provided the 100% electric #Jet16 baggage tractors.
La révolution électrique continue !
Livraison d’une remorque d’avitaillement 100% électrique TITAN-eTR3 à Avignon, France.
Ces remorques d’avitaillement ont été conçues en partenariat avec @TLD qui nous a fourni un tracteur #Jet16 100% électrique.
TLD continues its mission to Help Make Aviation Leaner & Greener.