Groupe Alvest

Un grand merci à Air France pour sa confiance en TLD et ses équipements d’assistance au sol 100% électrique pour gérer la première touchée du vol AF226 en partance pour Delhi en Inde, le 3 septembre dernier
Pour cette occasion l’avion, un Airbus A350-9 a été assisté par du matériel 100% TLD :
- TLD NBL – tapis à bagages rétrofité par Air France avec la technologie Carwatt
- TXL838 ReGen – loader fret
- ACU TLD/Lebrun CF40 – conditionneur d’air
- Pushback tractor TPX-200-XE – tracteur de repoussage
Voir la vidéo:
#weareaviation #smartgse #smartaviation #aviation #futurenow #1000solutions #carbonneutral #a350

The TLD TaxiBot continues to gain exposure as it continues its trials at Schiphol Airport this summer.
As the aviation industry adopts new environmentally friendly GSE, TLD remains one of the most forward thinking manufacturers within this market.
TaxiBot is available through Smart Airport Systems, also an Alvest Group company, and is part of their Smart GSE range.
#tldgse #taxibot #smartairportsystems #aviationsafety #greenerpower

ADHETEC, une entreprise ALVEST, lance la commercialisation de films adhésifs aéronautiques dotés de la technologie de protection naturelle antimicrobienne des surfaces de PYLOTE, spécialiste de la chimie industrielle minérale et céramique, efficace notamment contre les coronavirus et les bactéries.
Ces nouveaux films techniques antimicrobiens sont proposés dès à présent aux compagnies aériennes afin d’équiper leurs cabines d’avions. Dans un premier temps, ADHETEC proposera à ses clients, compagnies aériennes, constructeurs ou sous-traitants aéronautiques, des films adhésifs transparents ou personnalisables, pour protéger les tablettes de siège et les écrans IFE. L’objectif immédiat de ces nouveaux films adhésifs antimicrobiens est de répondre aux demandes actuelles des compagnies aériennes de recréer un climat de confiance et le bien- être du passager à bord lors de la reprise de leurs opérations.
Ces films adhésifs déjà en utilisation dans la cabine (ADHECAL/ADHEMARK®) disposeront désormais d’une hygiène microbiologique efficace pendant toute la durée d’utilisation des surfaces sur lesquelles ils sont appliqués. Ils ne présentent aucun risque pour les utilisateurs, y compris les enfants en bas âge. Activé par la technologie de PYLOTE, ils exercent notamment une action de décontamination microbienne immédiate, stable, et permanente (aucune perte d’efficacité sur plus de 4 ans), notamment contre les virus et les bactéries. Avec cette protection antimicrobienne certifiée, les deux sociétés entendent participer à la lutte contre la propagation du COVID-19 comme celle d’autres infections manu-portées.

TLD will sponsor the next GHI – Ground Handling International – online conference that will take place on 25 June.
This second edition of the GHI webinars is focusing on the Americas market and how local stakeholders are rallying against the worsening Covid-19 crisis in the region. The 100-minute session will feature the latest market insight from airlines, ground handlers and GSE providers operating across the Americas market.
As for TLD / Alvest are concerned, we will have two panelists joining the debate,
- Mark Garlasco, RCEO for TLD NALAAJ
- Matt Sheehan founder of AEROSPECIALTIES
We are delighted that Mark a Matt have accepted to take part of this debate as they will be able to share their extensive knowledge and experience in the industry with the conference attendees.

Last week, a consortium headed by EasyMile has submitted an application to the European Commission to win funding for a large-scale project aimed at bringing a disruptive change to the trucking industry, fleet operators and the whole logistics sector by contributing to the accelerated deployment of innovative connected and automated freight transport solutions in Europe and around the world. The All Weather Autonomous Real logistics operations and Demonstrations (AWARD) consortium consists of 29 partners with EasyMile as coordinator. TLD as manufacturer and SAS as the commercial entity for TractEasy are both part of this consortium. If awarded, the project will be rolled out from 2021 for 3 years.
This project managed by the European Commission has outlined the growing need for connected and automated driving systems for heavy commercial vehicles, citing their great potential. They can improve safety and efficiency of freight transport and make vehicle operations more comfortable. Positive impacts can indeed be expected when highly automated systems will be used in logistics operations going from hub to hub including both operations in mixed traffic and in confined areas. TractEasy has here a great card to play!

Afin d’aider notre industrie à gérer le maintient des machines et leur retour au service, après la pandémie de la Covid-19, IATA avec ses nombreux partenaires, dont TLD, a préparé une série de guides de références pour gérer le matériel d’assistance en escale
que vous pourrez consulter en cliquant sur ce lien –…/final_guidance_for_ground_handling_r…

Today Schiphol and Smart Airport Systems announce it’s trial for sustainable taxiing at Schiphol airport in cooperation with the partners Air Traffic Control Netherlands (LVNL), the Ministry of I&W, Corendon Dutch Airlines, KLM, Transavia, EasyJet and handlers Dnata and KLM Ground Services.
The technology behind this trial, the TaxiBot, is provided by Smart Airport Systems (SAS), a sister company to the prominent designer and manufacturer of airport ground support equipment TLD and IAI (Israël Aerospace Industry).
The mission of SAS is to provide innovative sustainable solutions for airlines and airports to help them reduce CO2 and NOx emissions, generate fuel savings, and increase the operational efficiencies at airports. For this SAS has developed several solutions that are available today and bring significant emission reduction.
Maxime Mahieu, CEO of Smart Airport Systems commented: « We are extremely pleased with this test of sustainable taxiing in cooperation with one of the world’s most innovative airports. We are impressed by Schiphol’s motivation which reflects in quality of the partnership they have created. All key stakeholders are aligned to show that SAS existing solutions can bring significant environmental improvements today” .
Hassan Charaf, Head of Innovation at the Royal Schiphol Group, commented:
“This study fits with our ambition to be the most sustainable airport in the world. I am proud that together with our partners we are exploring what sustainable taxiing at Schiphol can mean ».
The TaxiBot trial is part of an on-going feasibility study on sustainable taxiing at Schiphol Airport. Additional criteria will include how sustainable taxiing can be incorporated into daily operations, whether it can be achieved extensively across the airport and implementation timescales.
The ’TaxiBot’ is a semi-robotic tow vehicle developed by TLD and IAI, fully controlled by the Aircraft pilot when it tows the aircraft from terminal to runway, and back, without the use of the aircrafts engines. The hybrid TaxiBot is powered by a combination of electric and diesel engines that allow it to consume 95% less fuel during taxiing than the more commonly used aircraft engines. The TaxiBot is already in operation in India in both Delhi and Bangalore airports.
At Schiphol Airport aircraft engines are used on average 14 minutes to taxi departing aircraft and 9 minutes for arriving aircraft.
As aircraft engines still require spooling to their optimum operating temperature prior to take off, the saving brought by the TaxiBot are estimated to be between 50% and 85% of the average fuel consumption normally associated with the taxiing mission.
There are also a number additional benefits including – a reduction in noise pollution, CO2 and NOx emissions and foreign object debris whilst also delivering huge environmental advantages.
The trial is set to run until the end of June after which the study will conclude in Autumn 2020.

L’un des acteurs majeurs du secteur aérien, International Air Transport Association (IATA), a développé avec le « Medical Advisory Group » (MAG) un guide de référence pour la gestion de l’assistance en escale pendant cette période de COVID-19. Dans son effort pour supporter notre industrie, le groupe Alvest supporte pleinement cette initiative, particulièrement les propositions détaillées faites pour gérer la démobilisation et l’entretien de matériel de piste (GSE), que vous trouverez à la page 11 du guide –
TLD – AERO Specialties – Smart Airport Systems – Alvest Equipment Services

The forward thinking development teams at Smart Airport Systems and Easymile have been recognised at the IFOY Award for the pioneering joint ‘TractEasy’ driverless tow-tractor project at this years event held in Hanover, Germany.
The EasyMile team were on hand to receive the certificate for ‘Best in Intralogistics‘ category for the Innovative ground support equipment.
Congratulations to everyone involved in this exciting autonomous transport solution, to be seen at an airport near you soon!

ALVEST 集团授权腾达航勤设备(上海)有限公司为亚太区区域管理总部,经上海市市商务委认定,腾达航勤设备(上海)有限公司为地区总部(亚太区)。
Jean-Marie Fulconis, ALVEST集团总裁兼首席执行官说: “TLD在中国已经开展了20多年的业务但创建这个地区总部代表了集团战略在本地区的进一步增加。集团通过招募和保留核心关键人才, 通过得益于位于亚洲地区中心的上海的基础设施,探索中国市场,这应该被我们的客户视为一种承诺,通过进一步加强我们在当地的运营和为他们服务的能力,来为他们提供更好的服务。”
August 2nd, 2019
Alvest Group announced today receiving the formal authorization from Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce to empower TLD Asia (Shanghai) act as its regional headquarter in Asia Pacific.
The Shanghai headquarters will serve as a base of operations for ALVEST activities gathered under TLD banner.
Regional management executives will be based in Shanghai headquarters where they will manage TLD subsidiaries in Mainland China, Hong Kong SAR and Singapore.
Jean-Marie Fulconis, ALVEST President and Chief Executive Officer said “TLD already has more than 20 years of presence in China but the creation of this Regional Headquarters represents a further step in our strategy to grow in the region by being able to recruit and retain core key talents, by benefiting from infrastructures that place Shanghai in the centre of the Asian region, by being able to tap into a very dynamic market. This should be seen by our customers as a commitment to serve them even better by strengthening even further our presence and capacity to serve them locally.”